At Shepherd Compello, we recently received a ‘2014 End of Year Feedback Report’ from the charity we sponsor, Build Africa.

It includes many pictures of the progress made over the last year, as well as amazing figures that show just how much the children are receiving a better education. Please see the report below:


This report provides a summary of the work and developments completed in the last year at Kagumu and Morop Primary Schools in Kenya. With Shepherd Compello’s support over the last 12 months, Build Africa has been able to work with each school to improve infrastructure. For both schools, we provide an analysis of their Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that we collected at the end of the year.

Kagumu Primary School

Infrastructure and Resources
Two classrooms were renovated and completed in early September in time for the start of the new school term. These renovations have helped to ensure that more pupils can learn in a safe and secure environment that is conducive to effective learning. With these classrooms now in use, this has helped to reduce the ratio of pupils per classroom from 61:1 in 2012 to 53:1 in 2014. This brings the school closer to meeting the national government recommended standards of 40:1 and supporting the large number of pupils enrolled. The school now has a total of nine classrooms that are structurally safe and accommodate learners from the Early Childhood Development level (ECD or pre-school class) up until the P8 year.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Analysis 

Currently almost half the teachers at the school are paid for by the parents, while only six teachers are posted to the school by the government. This is a problem observed widely in Kenyan schools, and results from budget restrictions the Ministry of Education has for recruiting teachers. However, with the continued support from the community, the school has been able to ensure that there are a sufficient number of teachers. As we continue to work with the school over the next few years we expect to see an increase in successful lobbying for further support from the government. The consistently positive results in performance, enrollment and attendance over the last three years at Kagumu will help to support their case for more sustained support.

The ratio of pupils per latrine for boys has increased as a result of one of the toilet blocks falling in to disrepair. This means that the 270 boys currently enrolled at the school are sharing one block of four door toilets. The school will require an additional block to order to meet the recommended standard in Kenyan schools of a ratio of 30:1.

Morop Primary School

Infrastructure and Resources

With your support in 2014, one classroom was renovated and completed in September. The newly renovated block has helped improve the learning environment for students and teachers in the P5 class. The newly formed School Management Committee took a lead role in managing the overall school development and played a key role in overseeing the construction process. Pictured left, the classroom block prior to renovation and below, inside and outside the new block. The classroom was fully furnished with desks for children and teachers as well as teaching and learning aids.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Analysis

It is encouraging to see that the total number of children both reaching their final year of primary school and passing their final exams has been so consistent over the last three years. The pass rates are very similar to other government-funded schools in the area and we expect that the rate will continue to improve at Morop. Enrollment and attendance has also increased and a likely result of improvement in infrastructure as well as ongoing work with parents focusing on the importance of supporting their children to attend school. The parents are currently paying salaries for five of the 13 teachers at the school, again showing their commitment to support the education of their children.

The large increase in the number of pupils per classroom over the last two years is the result of a change in how Build Africa distinguishes between classrooms that meet the required Ministry of Education (MoE) and Ministry of Works (MoW) standards as opposed to those that are deemed ‘temporary.’ In 2013, Morop had three permanent classrooms that met this standard with an additional classroom being renovated in 2014, making a total of four now meeting the requirements of the MoE.

We hope you enjoyed reading this uplifting report. It is excellent to see that a great progress has been made, enabling the children a better access to education.



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