Compello: to drive together [com – “together” + pello – “drive”]

Protecting landlords leased premises’

Our team of rental dwelling property experts can obtain coverage for your customers through our in-house facilities with Great Lakes Insurance and Chubb European Group. If your portfolio doesn’t fit within our in-house facility criteria, we also have access to American National Lloyd’s Insurance Company on a referral basis.


What is covered?

  • Dwelling Coverage (physical damage) – Up to $1,500,000 any one loss, any one location. We can underwrite schedules up to 50-locations in-house.
  • Premises Liability – Up to $1,000,000 Occurrence/$3,000,000 Aggregate

Higher limits can be obtained on a referral basis. For full coverage details, download our Investor-Owned Rental Dwelling Schedules product factsheet below.

Optional coverage

  • Personal Property
  • Loss of Rents
  • Windstorm
  • Flood & Earthquake (Annual Aggregate would apply)
  • TRIA
  • Automatic coverage – 30 days
  • Fixed Schedule or Reporting Form


  • Schedules of Residential Dwellings
  • We write 1-4 family unit locations, but focus on schedules mostly 1-2 family. Up to 8 family is considered as part of a wider schedule of 1-4
  • Some commercial exposure acceptable
  • Usual minimum number on a schedule is 10 (but we have placed those with less, so please do get in touch)
  • No maximum
  • Package or Monoline Property
  • Monroe county (FL) with wind
  • Orleans Parish and South (LA) with wind
  • NJ urban locations
  • California – unless not remotely exposed to Wildfire (see Hazard Hub or Riskmeter)
  • Apartments
  • Short-term rentals
  • Competitive commission
  • Package or property only available
  • No co-insurance clause
  • No inspection required

Get in touch

Steve Hart

Steve Hart

Chief Broking Officer

Steve is a highly experienced Delegated Authorities specialist. With a career spanned over 20 years, he has a wealth of knowledge across a range of property insurance classes as both an underwriter and a broker. He is an associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute (ACII).

Make an enquiry
David Lee

David Lee

Senior Underwriter

Related products

High Value Home Owners

Designed for ‘high valued’ properties over $500,000 dwelling value in the US. Our product is underwritten by the best of Lloyd’s syndicates, and offers five levels of cover, ranging from ‘standard’ to ‘exceptional’, the most comprehensive level of coverage.

Wind Deductible Buyback

This product covers the unforeseen expenses incurred when a claim is made against a coverholders All Risk Insurance policy. It allows coverholders to adjust their premium rates and enable lower deductibles should their homes be damaged in wind-related events.

Get in touch now

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