As you may know, Shepherd Compello proudly sponsor the school children of Kagumu and Morop, as a part of Build Africa’s long term plan in transforming education and livelihoods in rural Africa.

Over the past few months, new classrooms have been built for the pupils, but were yet to be renovated and ready for use.

We can delightfully announce that they are now completely finished and open to the staff and the children! These developments go such a long way in providing a better teaching and learning environment for everybody in the schools. Not only that, but they also provide the children with a safe environment and a feeling of security whilst studying.

Please see the images below of the classrooms being used.


Shepherd Compello Insurance Services, Shepherd Compello, Insurance, Charity, Build Africa
Kagumu Primary School
Shepherd Compello Insurance Services, Shepherd Compello, Insurance, Charity, Build Africa
Kagumu Primary School
Shepherd Compello Insurance Services, Shepherd Compello, Insurance, Charity, Build Africa
“My new classroom is beautiful and clean with cement floors so that I can keep my uniform and books tidy without dust. I like learning here because it is safe.” Sarah, P4 student at Kagumu
Shepherd Compello Insurance Services, Shepherd Compello, Insurance, Charity, Build Africa
Morop Primary School
Shepherd Compello Insurance Services, Shepherd Compello, Insurance, Charity, Build Africa
Morop Primary School
Shepherd Compello Insurance Services, Shepherd Compello, Insurance, Charity, Build Africa
“I am happy because our class has now been renovated. I like the new shutters and door, which ensure that we are warm in class and our books and desks are safe. It feels good to be learning in this room.” Jennifer, P5 student at Morop

Shepherd Compello Insurance Services, Shepherd Compello, Insurance, Charity, Build Africa




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